
All patch notes and changelogs for Nyaru, for the past, present, and future. Versions are listed in reverse chronological order.

Version 5 [NEW]

v5.0.0 — 2025-01-18 [Latest Major Release]

Buckle up, buttercup! Nyaru has received a MEGA overhaul, and we're thrilled to present v5.0.0 – packed with new features, improvements, and a whole lot of love. This is our biggest update yet, so let's dive right in!

Core Features

  • Leveling Module Reborn: The leveling module is back and better than ever! This all-in-one package provides everything you need for a robust Discord leveling system, including:

    • Level leaderboards to showcase your server's top grinders.

    • Visually appealing level cards to display user progress.

    • Automatic level roles to reward users for their dedication.

  • Introducing the Cases System: Nyaru now features a comprehensive moderation cases system. Every moderation action (kick, ban, timeout, etc.) is now meticulously tracked with in-depth information, including a unique case ID, the action performed, the victim, the moderator, and the reason. This allows for integral logging of all cases, provided you set up a logging channel using /setchannel type:Logs Channel. This is a game-changer for server moderation and accountability!

  • Multi-Lingual Foundation: We've laid the foundation for multi-lingual support! While only English is currently supported, Nyaru's architecture has been revamped to easily accommodate new languages in the future. Stay tuned for more language support coming soon!

New Commands

  • Giveaways Manager — Now with Drop Giveaways! The Giveaway Manager has received a major upgrade, making it easier than ever to create both simple and advanced giveaways. Use gstart for quick giveaways or gcreate for highly customized events. Advanced options include:

    • Combining multiple conditions, such as message and role requirements.

    • Perks like bonus entries and bypass roles.

    • Role whitelisting and blacklisting.

    • Conditional checks (requiring all conditions to be met or any of them).

    • Bonus entry stacking.

    And now, we're introducing Drop Giveaways! These rapid-fire giveaways end as soon as all eligible users react, creating a fun "first come, first served" experience. You can even combine drop giveaways with the other advanced giveaway features!

  • Moderation Commands Expanded: We've expanded our moderation arsenal with new commands, including slowmode. All moderation commands have been enhanced with improved error handling and integration with the new cases system.

  • New Fun Commands: Spice up your server with these fun new commands:

    • coinflip (for a classic heads or tails).

    • choose (to settle those tough decisions).

    • roll (for a virtual dice roll).

  • Slash Commands Everywhere! All commands are now available as both legacy (prefix-based) commands and slash commands. Use whichever you prefer!

Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Enhanced Command UI and Error Handling: We've overhauled the command UI for all commands, providing more detailed error messages and even self-correcting some common mistakes to better understand your intentions.

  • Help Command Overhaul: The help command has been significantly improved with more descriptive command descriptions, usage examples, and clear permission handling information for both users and Nyaru. We're also working on bringing slash commands to DMs!

  • Better User Accessibility: We've improved how Nyaru handles user mentions, making it easier to mention users using replies, tags, or usernames. We want Nyaru to work for you, not the other way around!

  • General Bug Fixes: Numerous bug fixes have been implemented across existing commands, improving overall stability and performance.

  • Increased Kick Reason Character Limit: The maximum character limit for moderation reasons has been increased from 40 to 60.


  • Documentation Support: We've added documentation support and are working hard to complete the official Nyaru documentation as soon as possible. In the meantime, the improved help command should provide ample assistance.

Version 4

v4.2.0 — 2023-06-04

It's been a long time since we have updated you about Nyaru. There were many small updates to fix security issues and bugs meanwhile till today, but this time we have something big to actually let you know!

New Features

  • Added Welcome DM feature. You can easily enable or disable Welcome DMs anytime just by using welcomedm (enable|disable) command.

  • Added Leveling Module (NEW), our brand-new release which offers an enhanced levelling experience for everyone in your server!

    • Use level command to check your level in our new level cards.

    • Added leveling leaderboard with rank systems!

    • You can set up level up channels easily!

    • You can set / reset individual or guild's levels easily.

    • There are more admin management commands for the leveling module!

  • Added Advanced Filtering. Spam and flood messages are filtered, repeated messages are also filtered, and small messages are ignored and much more! This enhances the use of messaging module and leveling module!

  • You can now set message counts of individual users.

  • The Leaderboard has been updated for both message and leveling module.

  • And more features!

Bug Fixes

  • The Set Channel command (setchannel) now accepts welcome channel correctly.

  • Some other bug fixes.

The Leveling Module is currently in BETA! We do not recommend you to completely replace the leveling system with Nyaru's in your server yet! This update took a long time, we hope you like it. Please update us if you see any bugs!

v4.1.9 — 2023-04-15

Bug Fixes

  • Our CDN is back live! All role-play commands should be working again with no issues (e.g., wave, hug, kiss, etc.).

v4.1.7 — 2023-03-05

Bug Fixes

  • The “bonus entries” option in /giveaways create was causing problems when multiple roles were used.

  • Performed several internal changes to optimize processes.

v4.1.6 — 2022-03-11

After a long time, we're here to release amazing features for Nyaru!

Bug Fixes

  • Giveaway Reactions: The role requirement bypass was not working.

  • Giveaway Reroll: Invalid numbers for winner count fixed.

New Features

  • Timeout Command: You can now use the timeout command with a custom duration! Providing a reason is mandatory. Example: /timeout @user 5m testing reason

  • Slowmode Command: Get more control over your chat by setting slowmode with this command! Example: /slowmode 2s. You can specify another channel and be anonymous when used: /slowmode 2s #silence

  • Logs Channel: You can now set a logs channel for our moderation commands (currently slowmode and timeout). To set a logs channel, use the .setchannel logs command with the name of the channel where you want to receive logs. Example: .setchannel logs #mylogs

  • Added Case Information: Case information can now be viewed in the previously configured logs channels. These cases currently work for the /timeout command.

v4.1.3 — 2022-05-22

Bug Fixes

  • The configured prefix was being cleared intermittently, affecting usability for some users.

New Features

  • Giveaway Reroll: If the winner count is not explicitly mentioned, one winner will be automatically drawn. Example: greroll message_id [count]

  • Giveaway Create: Now supports multiple timestamps with real-time validation. For example, 2w 1d will be automatically parsed into 15 days in /giveaway create duration:[].

  • Help Command: Added the -chat flag, which performs the same function as the -c flag.

v4.1.0 — 2022-01-05

It's been a long time since we have updated you about Nyaru. There were many small updates to fix security issues and bugs meanwhile till today. This time, we have something big to actually let you know!

New Features

  • Message Tracking Module: We have finally released the first phase of message tracking. FYI — this is just a start, we will make many more improvements in the coming weeks. New functionalities include /messages, /messages leaderboard, and smc (set message count).

  • Message x Giveaway Integration: After initial testing, everything seems perfect! You can now set a new message count when creating a giveaway using /giveaway create.


  • Giveaway Module Revamp: The entire giveaway manager is now in slash commands! You can easily end, list, and create advanced giveaways directly without remembering any commands. It's all /giveaway now!

  • Many more bug fixes!

The mass reset message feature (which was initially missing) has now been added. We are aware that /giveaway create's multiple duration timestamps do not work (e.g., 1d 1h 1m 1s). However, you can use a single, converted timestamp (e.g., 25h) for now. We will take and implement community feedback!

v4.0.9 — 2021-11-21

New Features

  • Added stats. The server count is now available on the page.

  • Added command: checkvote. Now you can check if you have voted for Nyaru on

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed buttons interaction bugs.

  • Fixed some interaction commands.

v4.0.7 — 2021-11-03

Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Addressed all known bugs in the music module.

  • Implemented several other optimization fixes.

v4.0.6 — 2021-10-20

Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Addressed more bugs in the music module.

Removed Features

  • Welcome DMs have been removed. This feature was being used primarily for advertisements (which violated the terms of service).

v4.0.3 — 2021-10-10

Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Addressed bugs in the music module.

  • Addressed bugs in the command manager.

We're approaching 1000 servers! Thank you for the support! :)

v4.0.1 — 2021-10-07

New Features

  • Added the disconnect command to the music module, per popular demand.

Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • The shy command is now functional again.

  • Minor fixes to the gcreate, loop, and forceskip commands.

  • Various other fixes to the music module.

  • Improved command performance (reduced lag).

  • Reduced overall memory usage.

v4.0.0 — 2021-10-04 [Major Release]

New Features

  • Music:

    • Stage channel support has been added.

    • Added the lyrics command (for the current song).

    • Added the autoplay feature/command for recommendations.

    • Added a pruning option/setting to automatically prune music embeds.

  • Starboards:

    • Enjoy the brand-new starboards module! This module is still in beta and under development. It is expected to be completed by v4.1.0.

    • You can set a starboard channel and threshold.

  • Giveaways:

    • Multiple bonus entries are now supported.

    • Role requirements have been implemented.

    • Dynamic giveaway options, such as entry stacking and all role requirements, are available.

    • Bypass entries have also been rolled out, allowing users (such as boosters) to bypass giveaway requirements.

    • An all-in-one giveaway manager is now available to easily control your server's giveaways.

  • Action Commands:

    • New action commands have been added: boop, shy, wave, and sad.

    • Existing action commands have been significantly improved. Actions now support arguments without mentions or IDs.

    • All action commands now have counters, so you can see how many times you have been hugged, etc.

    • New GIFs have been added to Nyaru's database.

  • Modules and flags are officially implemented and supported.

  • Brand-new slash commands have been added for the music module and some other modules.

  • Added the roleinfo command.

  • Command Manager: You can now enable/disable commands. This feature can be accessed by server managers with MANAGE_GUILD permissions.

Removed Features

  • The gedit command has been temporarily disabled and is currently being reworked. It will be available again soon.

Other Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • The help command has been updated for maximum efficiency.

  • Music commands now use buttons instead of reactions.

  • You can now remove configured channels, such as leave/welcome channels.

  • Giveaways no longer edit messages to update the time; they now use Discord's built-in timestamps.

  • The userinfo and serverinfo commands now function as intended.

  • The channel configuration manager (setchannel) is now fully functional.

  • Dream Economy has been officially released.

  • Resolved all known crashes due to permission errors.

  • All automation commands now function correctly and can be disabled.

  • DM interactions are now fully supported; you can now command Nyaru in DMs.

  • Command usage and descriptions have been redefined for clarity.

  • All commands now include in-command documentation with a help documentation button.

Version 3

v3.4.0 — 2021-08-04

New Features

  • Added a new Advanced Purge Module.

  • Added partial documentation support.

  • Re-categorized all commands.

Other Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Addressed over 50 bugs.

  • Improved the help command.

v3.3.0 — 2021-07-28

New Features

  • Added the userinfo command.

  • Introduced a new flag system to improve user experience. Flags are additional advanced arguments found at the end of a message, starting with --. Each flag has its own purpose and use.

Other Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Addressed over 69 bugs.

  • Improved the help command.

v3.2.0 — 2021-06-22

New Features

  • The music module has been re-added (BETA). It now supports SoundCloud, Spotify, and YouTube.

Other Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Addressed some bugs.

v3.1.5 — 2021-06-22

New Features

  • Added a beta leveling system.

Other Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Addressed all known bugs.

v3.1.1 — 2021-06-21

New Features

  • Added the glist command, which displays ongoing giveaways (BETA).

Other Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Addressed some additional bugs.

v3.1.0 — 2021-06-14

Other Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Addressed almost all bugs in the music module.

  • Updated some private commands.

  • Updated emojis.

  • Addressed some other command bugs.

v3.0.8 — 2021-06-06

New Features

  • Added the avembed command — Advanced Embed uses JSON to send embeds of any type!

Other Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Addressed some bugs in the Music Module.

v3.0.5 — 2021-06-06

New Features

  • Added the serverinfo command.

  • Implemented button usage in some commands.

  • Added a greet message on joining a server.

  • The greroll command can now reroll specific winners.

Other Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Added case-insensitivity, so @Nyaru will now respond to both D! and d! as prefixes.

  • Improved the help command.

  • Addressed other bug fixes.

v3.0.2 — 2021-06-01

New Features

  • Giveaway Module (Fixed)

  • Music Module (Partial Fixed)

  • New Fun commands: hug, kill, neko, pat, slap, tickle, kill.

  • New avatar command!

  • New Moderation Commands (BETA)

Other Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • It is still a beta release. Expect some downtimes, but going all good for future :)

  • Added case insensitivity, so @Nyaru will now listen both D! and d! as prefix (MOST WANTED )

  • Help command and other bug fixes!

v3.0.0 — 2021-05-31 [First Major Release]

New Features

  • Giveaway Module

  • Music Module

  • Welcome DMs

  • Welcome/Goodbye Messages

  • New Fun commands

  • New Moderation Commands (BETA)

Removed Features

  • Lock/Unlock command

  • Staff Applications Module

  • Animesearch command

Other Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Welcome the brand new @Nyaru!

  • We've given our cute catgirl a new profile picture and a mega update!

Version 2

v2.0.0 — 2021-04-15 [First Minor Release]

Version 2.0.0 represented a significant step forward in the Nyaru's development. This release established the core functionalities and provided users with an initial set of features and a stable foundation for future expansion. It included the initial release of basic Nyaru functionality and a basic command handling system.

Version 1

v1.0.0 — 2021-01-18 [First Release]

Version 1.0.0 marked the beginning of the Nyaru's development. This initial phase concentrated on establishing the basic framework and infrastructure necessary for the Nyaru to function. It included the initial development and testing phase, establishing the basic Nyaru framework.

Last updated

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